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Today is R U OK? Day which is our national day of action dedicated to reminding everyone that every day is the day to ask, “Are you OK?” and support those struggling with life’s ups and downs.

This year’s message is: Are they really OK? Ask them today.

Do you know how people in your world are really going? Life’s ups and downs happen to all of us. So chances are someone you know might be struggling. Your genuine support can make a difference whatever they are facing, big or small.

So, don’t wait until someone’s visibly distressed or in crisis. Make a moment meaningful and ask them how they are really going.

This year RUOK Day has gone virtual at LSC. We have created an online ‘Shout-out’ board for students and staff to place messages of gratitude to those that support them.

We challenge you to do the same and shout out to friends this RUOK Day.