Earlier in November, a select group of students in Year 7-10 participated in a program called HarvestEd.
HarvestEd is a three day inclusive program that connects students from all across Victoria and the South Pacific (Indonesia and Cambodia). It also linked students to agricultural experts and professionals across Victoria, Australia and the Asia-Pacific region.
HarvestEd is part of the Asia Education Foundation partnered with Melbourne University. The course provided students with collaborative, investigative, and innovation-driven experiences from a range of agricultural industries.
HarvestEd is an agricultural education program for global citizens. We heard from a range of guest speakers, experts and professionals. Some of the guest speakers we heard from were Anika Molesworth and Amanda Garner. We explored current opportunities and challenges in agriculture, and developed our own solutions and action-oriented ideas. As students we gained new skills that enhanced our aspects on agriculture and farming in an environmentally and sustainable way.
Pictured: Dr Anika Molesworth, is the previous winner of Young Farmer of the Year and is an agroecology scientist and farmer. She is a public figure on issues of food security, nature conservation, climate change and rural community development.
(Article by Year 10 Student Charlotte Pors)