An applied learning/project based learning unit. With foundations in the principles of active citizenship and a “think global, act local” approach, students will identify and investigate the geography, economics and history of a real issue today (for example treatment of elders, recycling or animal welfare) and attempt to develop a genuine, locally focused response or solution to that issue.
Unit Topics
The role and purpose of the United Nations
Active citizenship
Project planning, development and implementation
Skill Development
Organising, planning, collaboration, critical thinking, communication, researching, empathy,
Possible Assessment Tasks
- Project proposal
- Planning Folio
- Regular progress checks
- Genuine implementation of concept
- Presentation (podcast, video or slides)
Planning and developing an idea
Researching and using evidence
Specific activities will be dependent on the focus of each student or group
Career Options
Anything that requires high levels of planning, organisation and collaboration. Will also support vocational pathways
Year 10