Year 9 Drama aims to provide access to a wide variety of drama and theatrical skills. As a group, students will prepare dramatic pieces for performance.
Unit Topics
In the Year 9 Drama, students will:
- Experiment with Non-naturalistic story telling
- Create characters
- Devise, rehearse, and design an ensemble improvised performance to be performed for an evening audience
- Conduct research and develop ideas based upon a social issue
- Develop a knowledge and understanding of various areas of stagecraft
- Evaluate and reflect upon their experiences, skills and development
Skill Development
- Improvisation
- Movement
- Theatre craft
- Stage positioning
- Past and present dramatic/dance concepts
- Developing creativity
- Building confidence
- Vocal skills
Possible Assessment Tasks
- Making and presenting drama which explores a range of themes, issues and ideas
- Submission of a drama journal
- Contribution to class activities and workshops
- Development of skills
Career Options
Acting, script writing, stagehand, directing, theatre technician, editing, sound engineer, teacher, politician, councilor, anyone who needs confidence, problem solving, team work or creativity in their career.
Year 9