Student workload
Success relates to many factors, including:
- Attendance, which is compulsory and must be regular
- Managing your time effectively to provide for study and for personal interests
- Setting attainable work and study goals
- Readiness to discuss work-related problems with your teachers
- Promptly seeking assistance from your Coordinator about your studies or when encountering physical, medical, psychological or domestic difficulties
See the VCE coordinator or the Assistant Principal regarding any special circumstances which may require time extensions or reduction of work requirements and for suggestions and support on how to deal with stress.
Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 students are assessed against AusVELS. All VCE, VET and VCAL units have outcomes. Each outcome must be satisfactorily completed to pass that unit. You must expect to work consistently at school and at home to meet these demands. Advice on time management and study skills can be obtained from your coordinator (or any staff member).
As a guide to workload, it is expected that each VCE student will have between 10 to 20 hours of homework each week. This
time is to be spent on formally set homework, completing class work, reading, research and revision.
By being well-organised, you will be able to pursue your personal interests and at the same time be a successful student.