

    To explain to our school community the processes and procedures Leongatha Secondary College will use when refunding money for camps, excursions and adventure activities for students.

    State schools are able to charge a fee for:

    • An educational service including materials and consumables not defined as instruction, administration and facilities for the education of the student;
    • An education service purchased from a provider other than the school where the provider charges the school; and
    • A specialised educational program.


    A school fee is directed to the purpose for which it is charged. School fees for excursions, camps and activities are calculated on a cost recovery only basis, according to the number of students who have indicated their attendance. Participation of students in an excursion, camp and activity is indicated through payment and provision of a permission form completed by the parent/carer.

    As the school budget cannot meet any shortfalls in funding for an excursion, camp and activity due to the subsequent non-participation of a student who had previously indicated attendance of the activity, fees already paid may be refunded in full or in part or not at all, having regard to the associated expenses incurred and the circumstances of the non-participation.

    1. Where the school is charged for the provision of a program or service as a bulk cost and not per head cost, no refund is able to be given.
    2. Where a per head fee is charged refunds may be able to be given.

    NB. Refunds are given for accident or illness only.

    1. At times holding deposits for bookings will be charged to students and this will be non refundable.

    If a camp or excursion is cancelled or altered by the school, or a student is no longer able to attend part or all of the camp or excursion, our school will consider requests for partial or full refunds of payments made by parents/carers on a case-by-case basis taking into account the individual circumstances.

    Where possible, you will be required to provide a medical certificate and the receipt relating to the payment for which a refund is being sought.