

    To ensure that Leongatha Secondary College provides appropriate support to students with health care needs.


    This policy applies to:

    • all staff, including casual relief staff and volunteers
    • all students who have been diagnosed with a health care need that may require support, monitoring or medication at school.


    To explain to Leongatha Secondary College parents, carers, staff and students the processes and procedures in place to support students with health care needs at school.


    This policy should be read with Leongatha Secondary College First Aid, Administration of Medication, Anaphylaxis and Asthma policies.

    Student health support planning

    In order to provide appropriate support to students at Leongatha Secondary College who may need medical care or assistance, a Student Health Support Plan will be prepared by either;

    • the relevant year level coordinator
    • student wellbeing coordinator
    • principal (or delegate)

    in consultation with the student, their parents, carers and treating medical practitioners.

    Student Health Support plans help our school to assist students with:

    • routine health care support needs, such as supervision or provision of medication
    • personal care support needs, such as assistance with personal hygiene, continence care, eating and drinking, transfers and positioning, and use of health-related equipment
    • emergency care needs, such as predictable emergency first aid associated with asthma, seizure or diabetes management.

    [Note: Template health planning forms are available here:]

    Students with complex medical care needs, for example, tracheostomy care, seizure management or tube feeding, must have a Student Health Support Plan which provides for appropriate staff to undertake specific training to meet the student’s particular needs.

    At enrolment or when a health care need is identified, parents/carers should provide accurate information about the student’s condition or health care needs, ideally documented by the student’s treating medical/health care practitioner on a Medical Advice Form (or relevant equivalent). The following template may be used for guidance in collecting and recording the relevant and necessary information:

    Leongatha Secondary College may invite parents and carers to attend a Student Support Group meeting to discuss the contents of a student’s Health Support Plan and assistance that the student may need at school or during school activities.

    Where necessary, Leongatha Secondary College may also request consent from parents and carers to consult with a student’s medical practitioners, to assist in preparing the plan and ensure that appropriate school staff understand the student’s needs.

    Student Health Support Plans will be reviewed:

    • when updated information is received from the student’s medical practitioner
    • when the school, student or parents and carers have concerns with the support being provided to the student
    • if there are changes to the support being provided to the student, or
    • on an annual basis.

    Management of confidential medical information

    Confidential medical information provided to Leongatha Secondary College to support a student will be:

    • recorded on the student’s file
    • shared with all relevant staff so that they are able to properly support students diagnosed with medical conditions and respond appropriately if necessary.


    This policy will be communicated to our school community in the following ways:

    • Included in staff induction processes and staff training
    • Available publicly on our school’s website
    • Hard copy available from school administration upon request

    Further information and resources

    The  Department’s Policy and Advisory Library (PAL):