Our schools 2024 Curriculum Contributions are now live Compass, and remain unchanged at $200 per student. This year we are offering families an incentive to make timely payment.
If you pay the $200 Curriculum Contribution by April 22, 2024, you will receive a $45 uniform voucher, redeemable for any uniform item of your choice. The $45 voucher is applicable per student, ensuring each child’s fee payment grants them a voucher.
This voucher amount would purchase the new sports house polo, or can be a contribution towards any other uniform item you wish. Vouchers will be distributed after the payment cut off date.
To make your fees payment, click on the link appearing on your Compass dashboard and this will take you to your 2024 Curriculum Contributions. Families can make fees payment in full, or commit to making payment in full by selecting the payment plan option.

Families benefiting from the uniform voucher must utilise this by July 22, 2024.