2022 has been another successful year for our VCAL students who have taken on the personal challenge of working towards their Duke of Edinburgh Award. Each participant must commit one hour a week to the three sections of the Award: Physical Recreation, Learning a Skill and Volunteering.
Today we celebrate Zhi Xia McNeil, one of our Year 11 students who is completing her Bronze Level of the Award. Zhi Xia selected AFL Umpiring as her Skill and is working towards her dream of becoming an AFL umpire. To coincide with Reconciliation Week last week, Zhi Xia had the privilege of umpiring for the Reconciliation Sports Carnival in Healesville at Worawa Aboriginal College. She thoroughly enjoyed the experience and looks forwards to umpiring many more significant matches like this in the future. Congratulations Zhi Xia, we wish you all the best!