As part of the Dairy Australia Learning Program Mrs Grabham along with students Scott, Charlotte, Brayden, Corrina and Cody visited an operational Robotic Dairy Farm at Hallora last Tuesday owned by Grant Williams.
The dairy has six Lely robots, each cow is milked on an average of 2.2 times per day by the robots. Students learnt that although robotics can help make the task of milking a herd easier, there is still a requirement to be on call 24 hours a day for any breakdowns and/or issues.
A delicious lunch was provided by Dairy Australia at the Hallora Rec Reserve where students were given a safety presentation on the dangers associated with farming. Thanks to Dairy Australia for including LSC in the program and Grant Williams for welcoming us to his farm.
A huge thank you to the five LSC students who attended and who were not afraid to ask lots of questions and become involved on the day.