Congratulations go to the remarkable young people of the Leongatha Secondary College – Class of 2022.
We are equally proud of those who have excelled in our VCAL program and those who have achieved impressive VCE and ATAR results this year.
We have spoken with our 2022 DUX Mia Deenen, who is extremely excited about her ATAR of 91.6 and her pathway into her future studies.
To the Class of 2022; your unity, talent and willingness to strive to achieve your best will be dearly missed. Throughout the year we have enjoyed seeing you flourish and it has been a privilege to share and support you all though your final year of formal education.
Thank you to all of our 2022 VCE and VCAL teachers and wellbeing and careers staff at the college for their dedication and commitment to supporting our young people to fulfil their potential. Thank you also to all of the staff who have contributed to their whole learning journey. Our thanks also is extended to our parent and carer community who have trusted in our college for their young person’s education and have worked alongside us to support them through their Year 12.
We are extremely proud of all of our students this year for all they have accomplished. The future is bright for this talented cohort.
2022 VCE, ATAR and VCAL success
Outstanding results have been achieved at Leongatha Secondary College. Of the 51 students receiving an ATAR this year, Mia Deenen achieved above 90% with a 91.6, placing her amongst the highest achievers in the state and Louisa Campbell with a 87.3, placing her within the top 13% of the state.
What’s more, some further outstanding results were achieved within individual subjects, including by Year 11 student Lachie Gill who achieved a study score of 49 in Units 3 & 4 Psychology which he undertook via an accelerated pathway.
Our 2022 College mean study score was calculated at 27, with 28% of our students achieving a study score of 30 or over in one or more subjects. It was also very positive to see that our college English median study score rose in 2022, indicating that the teaching strategies being adopted within and across our college are beginning to have an impact on student’s outcomes.
We are extremely proud of our year 12 VCAL students this year with all students enrolled in Senior VCAL successfully achieving their Vocational Applied Learning Certificates. We have had many convert their HeadStart Apprenticeships into full-time roles and also many more who have been able to secure full-time employment and other apprenticeships in our local community. We wish all of those beginning in these roles or heading onto further study, the very best with their chosen pathway.