Art brings ECA alive


Thanks to the wonderfully talented art teacher, Tarryn Boden, the ECA has had a facelift.

Ms Boden and her team of Year 9 Design Graphics students have created a mural that was painted outside of the change rooms to brighten a very dark space.

Year 9 students worked on several proposals to bring to life the ECA, with a design by Eden Robertson winning. An additional design by Grace Guy is also going to be mounted onto the wooden floor gym soon, with the help of the Year 9 woodwork students. 

Special mention must be brought to students Mickey Hosking and Sally Lawson-Hendry who worked hard to create the black silhouette and triangular designs on the wall. 

Congratulations and thankyou to all involved. It was great to see the whole class spend many hours with paint brushes to finish the project. The result has lightened up the space for all to enjoy.