An interview with the Student Representative Council (SRC)

School Leaders

What is the role of an SRC Councillor?
“You’re the voice of the students. As an SRC representative, my job is to take on concerns or suggestions from my peers and voice them to the group and see how we can collectively influence and create change.”
What are the reasons you applied to be on the SRC? Has it met your expectations?

“I was expected as a school captain to help run the SRC, but I have been on it every year since Yr 9 and have really enjoyed it.”
“As a School Leader, it was part of my role to lead the SRC. It sure is a lot of work sometimes, but at it’s core I think it’s great.”
“I wanted to make a difference to the school.”
Thinking of the events and changes the SRC have been involved in, what are you most proud of and why?
“Out of all events I’m most proud that we were able to have the P.E tops become part of normal school uniform. Students have been trying for a while. Another activity I was proud of was the SES and PJ fundraiser days. I noticed a lot of students enjoyed watching the SES pull apart a car.”
How can students raise an issue with the SRC?
“There have been a couple of minor issues (changes to the uniform, repainting the four square courts, etc) that have been raised by students through either a member of the SRC being emailed, spoken to directly, or speaking to a teacher.”
What advice would you give to a student thinking of joining the SRC?

“We’d love for you to come and check the SRC out — we need people like you! If there’s an issue or something you think that can be changed within the school, be that person to initiate that change. The school will be better for it.”

“Don’t be scared! My advice is that if you are really passionate about student voice, join the SRC. It’s a great opportunity to work in a group of like-minded people and have your say about what happens at our school.”

The SRC meets Thursday lunchtimes in D03. Thinking about joining? Visit the next meeting, you will be made most welcome.