28th National Schools Constitutional Convention 2023 – LSC Year 11 Student Montana Kranen

From Tuesday 21 March to Thursday 23 March 2023 Montana Kranen from Leongatha Secondary College will be among 116 Year 11 and 12 students from around Australia attending the 28th National Schools Constitutional Convention (NSCC), being held at the Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House, Canberra. The program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Education (DOE), coordinated by National Curriculum Services (NCS) and supported by the Australian Curriculum Studies Association (ACSA) and department of education from all states and territories.
The topic for the 2023 Convention is, ‘Constitutional Reform – Is section 128 still a necessary requirement to change such an important document as the Australian Constitution?’.
This topic will provide students with the opportunity to examine Section 128 of the Australian Constitution and discuss if the requirements for alteration are still appropriate. A range of stimulus speakers will discuss the issues with students for them to debate with all delegates.
Outcomes from the Convention will be incorporated into a Communiqué that will be forwarded to the
President of the Senate, Senator Sue Lines, for tabling in Parliament and recorded in Hansard.
As a national delegate Montana Kranen will travel with 24 other students from Victoria.
Other elements of the program will include the Prime Minister’s Welcome Reception at Parliament House
hosted by The Hon Patrick Gorman MP, Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister, a meeting with the
Governor-General, The Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd) at Government House, and a dinner at the High Court of Australia.